Today on my blog I look at what makes an impactful wildlife image.
Read Moretoday's blog post is a composition tip... fill the frame
Read MoreParaphrasing the immortal words of Forrest Gump, “Newfoundland is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get”
Today you can learn about Newfoundland, one of my favorite Canadian destinations to take photographers
Read MoreTravelling around the world all started with a small leather wrapped elephant statue that was given to me by my mother. 12 years after receiving that statue, and 10 years after a special conversation i had with her, Im still travelling...
Read MoreTodays blog is another posting of compositional tips... today deals with "Creatign Depth"
Read MoreToday on my blog i discuss cleaning sensors
Read MoreDo you head out on light hikes when photographing landscapes and wildife? Ever been caught in the rain and wished you had a waterproof bag? Here is a handy item for you.
Read MoreTodays blog answers some of the most asked questions i get when people are booking a photo tour or workshop... The answers may just help you find your next photo trip, no matter where it is that you decide to go.
Read MoreToday is a blog that discusses what photography really means for me... its a good read that I think you will enjoy, and make you ask yourself that same question... enjoy todays blog...
Read MoreTrying to decide where your next photography vacation is going to be?
Did you know Lonely Planet named Canada as the #1 destination to visit?
If you haven't looked at Canada, check out todays mid day blog post and maybe we can entice you to visit Canada in the next few years.
Read MoreLets look at what causes the northern lights
Read MorePeace of mind travel, an experienced workshop leader, best landscapes in Canada... the trifecta...
Today's post is about everything that happens before you step foot on a location... has your workshop leader done their research and made sure they have applied for all the appropriate permits and acquired the correct insurance?
Read MoreCome be pleasantly surprised by the beauty of Newfoundland with me.
Read MoreI just felt like I was granted a passport to live in Grizzly Bear Country for a week... what an amazing experience.
Read MoreThe Panasonic LUMIX GH5 travels to Mongolia with me and outperforms my expectations... Read about it today on my blog
Read MoreTodays blog post will help you take better vacation photographs... I promise.
Read MoreToday I wanted to highlight another species of wildlife in Canada. The Musk Ox... a species you need to see in the wild.
Read MoreToday on my blog I wanted to introduce you to another wildlife species you can photograph in Canada. The Mountain Goat.
Read MoreToday on my blog I wanted to introduce you to one of the species of wildlife we offer the photographer in Canada
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