I occasionally highlight wildlife species that we have here in Canada. Today I wanted to give you some information on one of my favourite apex predators that roam the boreal forests of Canada.
Read Morewas on Canon rumours this morning and read an interesting article comparing the Sigma 135mm f/1.8 Art and the Zeiss Milvus 135mm f/2... read the full comparison on my blog today
Read MoreToday I wanted to look at hard sided case options for your camera gear when you travel. I hope it helps in your research for your next hard sided camera bag
Read Moretoday I wanted to introduce you to the new ND and polarizer filters I took delivery of this month... filters from Breakthrough Photography.
Check out the video and the latest announcements from Breakthrough Photography on my blog today and see why I decided to use these filters for my own photos.
Read MoreThe new Nikon D7500 will start shipping next month. See details of shipping dates and specs today on my blog.
Read MoreIm guessing most of you have never hear about the "Namiri Plains" in the Serengeti... its worth the click on this post today to read about this area that was previously closed to the public for more than 20 years...
Read MoreLearn how to prepare your camera batteries before you fly today on my blog.
Please share it with your photography friends.
Read MoreToday on my blog I address one of the most asked questions about going on an African Safari
Read MoreWhat a great memory card... if you are a Nikon or SONY photographer... my suggestion is to invest in these cards... read more today on my blog...
Read MoreOpen this post up and read about an awesome Bucket-list location you didn't know was on your Bucket-list
Read MoreCheck out one of the most in-depth and well written comparisons I have been reading by Brad Hill. He compares the Sigma Sport 500mm f4 and the Nikkor 500mm f4 and comes to the conclusion that many will find surprising.
Read MoreCanada is near and dear to my heart, its my home, and i love to guide people across my home country... but there is another place that will forever keep me coming back... and today I wanted to introduce you to a location that you didn't know was on your bucket list, but once you've been there, you will be saying, "I didn't know it was on my bucket list, but I just crossed it off my must see list"
Read MoreYou're on vacation taking photos... how do you tell a story and tell the person looking at your photo where you were?
Read MoreLets take a look at the great migration in the Serengeti on my blog today
Read MoreYou will always hear me talking about the rule of thirds as a composition tool, and then while ago I wrote a more advanced tip on the Golden Spiral… and thought i would repost today
Read MoreToday is my final day of my twelve days of gifts for Photographers
Read MoreToady is day eleven of my twelve days of gifts for the Photographer.
Read MoreToday is day ten of my twelve days of Christmas gifts for Photographers
Read MoreToday is day nine of my twelve days of Christmas Gifts for the Photographer
Read MoreToday is day eight of my twelve days of Christmas Gifts for the Photographer
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